Add Created By, Updated By, Created Date, Updated Date to Model via Mixin in Loopback

Adding a created by, created date and updated by, updated date is always needed in Models. So why don’t we use a common Mixin for that.
We’ll create a Mixin which will do the job for your Models without copying and pasting the same code in every model.
READ =:> MySql Like Auto Increment Numeric Primary Key For Loopback with MongoDB
Create a file named “created-modified-injection.js” in common/mixins/ folder. and add the bellow code
//created-modified-injection.jsmodule.exports = function(Model, options) {
'use strict';
Model.defineProperty('created_by', {type: Number});
Model.defineProperty('updated_by', {type: Number});
Model.defineProperty('created_date', {type: Date});
Model.defineProperty('updated_date', {type: Date});
Model.observe('before save', function event(ctx, next) {
const token = ctx.options && ctx.options.accessToken;
const userId = token && token.userId;
let date = new Date();
if (ctx.instance) {
if (ctx.isNewInstance) {
ctx.instance.created_by = ctx.instance.created_by || userId;
ctx.instance.created_date = date;
ctx.instance.updated_by = ctx.instance.updated_by || userId;
ctx.instance.updated_date = date;
This Will add created_by, created_date at the time of creating a new instance of the model and will add updated_by, updated_date while updating the instance in every model you enable the mixin in.
Now Enable the Mixin in the Model by adding the bellow property in your model.json files
"mixins": {
"CreatedModifiedInjection": true
That’s all! Comment if you have anything in mind.